15 Mar 2023

Say no to this four letter breakfast food!

 Just say no to oats, the four letter breakfast food that has been shown to contain alarming levels of Chlormequat, an agricultural chemical with safety information that reads, "contact poison control immediately" following ingestion.

Apart from the above danger of consuming oats, you should also be aware of the blood glucose impact of oats. If you have never tested this, be sure to check and prepare to be amazed at how high your blood glucose levels go after consumption of oats. Do not take my word for it, test yourself and believe!

Add to above, the fact that persons consuming oats for supposed heart-health effects will be very disappointed because anything that causes your blood glucose to spike will not have a positive effect on your heart health because blood glucose spikes lead to the negative heart health effects, not positive ones.

What to eat instead? If you crave something with the texture of oatmeal, make a noatmeal breakfast bowl using the following recipe, cooked on a stove top for a few minutes:

Noatmeal Quick Bowl

1/2 cup water
2 Tbsp Hemp hearts
2 Tbsp Almond flour
2 Tbsp Unsweetened shredded coconut
1 Tbsp Flaxseed meal
1 Tbsp Chia seeds
1/4 tsp (or to taste) of your favourite sweetener or add half a ripe banana to sweeten after removing from heat

Method: Heat all ingredients on stovetop or microwave until thickened to desired consistency

If you prefer a meal on-the-go, try one of the following breakfast options paired with fruit:

Organic Raw Crunch Goji Berry bar

Larabar: Peanut butter chocolate chip

Larabar: Apple pie

Fat Snax crackers with almond butter

Sweet potato chips with a side of cheese

Still looking for ideas? Check out these previous posts with recipes for Grainfree breakfast crepes and grain free bread!

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